Chapter 1: Introduction

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This project focuses on creating a framework on running heavy tasks that a regular computer cannot run easily such as graphically demanding video games, rendering 3D animations , protein folding simulations. In this project the major focus will not be on the financial incentive part. A peer to peer network will be created to help run tasks decentrally, increasing bandwidth for running tasks. To ensure the tasks in the peer to peer network do not corrupt the server 0S (Operating System), they will be executed in a virtual environment in the server.

The main aim of this project was to create a custom peer to peer network. The user acting as the client has total flexibility on how to batch the tasks and the user acting as the server has complete flexibility on tracking the container’s usages and killing the containers at any point of time.


Many of the users rely on our PC / Laptop or servers that belong to a server farm to run heavy tasks and with the demand of high creativity requires higher computing power. Buying a powerful computer every few years to run a bunch of heavy tasks which are not executed as frequently to reap the benefits can be inefficient utilization of hardware. On the other end, renting servers to run these heavy tasks can be really useful. Ethically speaking this is leading to monopolisation of computing power similar to what is happening in the web server area. By using peer to peer principles it is possible to remove the monopolisation factor and increase the bandwidth between the client and server. <!–


This project aims to create a peer to peer (p2p) network, where a user can use the p2p network to act as a client (i.e sending tasks) or the server (i.e executing the tasks). A prototype application will be developed, which comes bundled with a p2p module and possible to execute docker containers or virtual environments across selected nodes.


Next Chapter: Installation

Theme  Moonwalk