Language Bindings

Language bindings refers to wrappers to bridge 2 programming languages. This is used in P2PRC to extend calling P2PRC functions in other programming languages. Currently this is done by generating .so and .h from the Go compiler.

How to build shared object files

The easier way

# Run
make sharedObjects

Or the direct way

# Run
cd Bindings && go build -buildmode=c-shared -o

If successfully built:

# Enter into the Bindings directory
cd Bindings
# List files
# Find files

Workings under the hood

Below are a sample set of commands to open the bindings implementation.

# run
cd Bindings/
# list files
# search for file

In Client go

There a few things to notice which are different from your standard Go programs:

1. We import “C” which means Cgo is required.

import "C"

2. All functions which are required to be called from other programming languages have comment such as.

//export <function name>

// ------------ Example ----------------
// The function below allows to externally
// to call the P2PRC function to start containers
// in a specific node in the know list of nodes
// in the p2p network.
// Note: the comment "//export StartContainer".

//export StartContainer
func StartContainer(IP string) (output *C.char) {
     container, err := client.StartContainer(IP, 0, false, "", "")
     if err != nil {
         return C.CString(err.Error())
     return ConvertStructToJSONString(container)

3. While looking through the file (If 2 files are compared it is pretty trivial to notice a common structure).

// --------- Example ------------

//export StartContainer
func StartContainer(IP string) (output *C.char) {
     container, err := client.StartContainer(IP, 0, false, "", "")
     if err != nil {
         return C.CString(err.Error())
     return ConvertStructToJSONString(container)

//export ViewPlugin
func ViewPlugin() (output *C.char) {
	plugins, err := plugin.DetectPlugins()
	if err != nil {
		return C.CString(err.Error())
	return ConvertStructToJSONString(plugins)

It is easy to notice that:

A Pseudo code to refer to the common function implementation shape could be represented as:

func <Function name> (output *C.char) {
      <response>,<error> := <P2PRC function name>(<parameters if needed>)
      if <error> != nil {
          return C.CString(<error>.Error())
      return ConvertStructToJSONString(<response>)

Current languages supported

Build sample python program

The easier way

# Run
make python
# Expected ouput
Output is in the Directory Bindings/python/export/
# Run
cd Bindings/python/export/
# list files
# Expected output

Above shows a generated folder which consists of a folder called “SharedObjects/” which consists of and p2prc.h files. refers to a sample python script calling P2PRC go functions. To start an any project to extend P2PRC with python, This generated folder can copied and created as a new git repo for P2PRC extensions scripted or used a reference point as proof of concept that P2PRC can be called from other programming languages.

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