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Over here we will cover the basic steps to get the server and client side running.

Latest release install

Install from Github master branch

Install Go lang

The entire the implementation of this project is done using Go lang. Thus, we need go lang to compile to code to a binary file. Instructions to install Go lang

Install Docker

In this project the choice of virtualization is Docker due to it’s wide usage in the developer community. In the server module we use the Docker Go API to create and interact with the containers.

Instructions to install docker

Instructions to install docker GPU

// Do ensure that the docker command does not need sudo to run
sudo chmod 666 /var/run/docker.sock

Build Project and install project

To set up the internal dependencies and build the entire go code into a single binary

make install

For Windows

To set up P2PRC on Windows, simply run this batch file. Make sure you are not in admin mode when running this.


Add appropriate paths to .bashrc

export P2PRC=/<PATH>/p2p-rendering-computation
export PATH=/<PATH>/p2p-rendering-computation:${PATH}

Set up configuration file

make configfile 

Open the config file config.json and add the IPv6 address if you have one.

Test if binary works

p2prc --help


   p2p-rendering-computation - p2p cli application to create and access VMs in other servers

   p2prc [global options] command [command options] [arguments...]

   <version no>

   help, h  Shows a list of commands or help for one command

   --Server, -s                           Starts server (default: false) [$SERVER]
   --UpdateServerList, --us               Update List of Server available based on servers iptables (default: false) [$UPDATE_SERVER_LIST]
   --ListServers, --ls                    List servers which can render tasks (default: false) [$LIST_SERVERS]
   --AddServer value, --as value          Adds server IP address to iptables [$ADD_SERVER]
   --ViewImages value, --vi value         View images available on the server IP address [$VIEW_IMAGES]
   --CreateVM value, --touch value        Creates Docker container on the selected server [$CREATE_VM]
   --ContainerName value, --cn value      Specifying the container run on the server side [$CONTAINER_NAME]
   --RemoveVM value, --rm value           Stop and Remove Docker container (IP:port) accompanied by container ID via --ID or --id [$REMOVE_VM]
   --ID value, --id value                 Docker Container ID [$ID]
   --Ports value, -p value                Number of ports to open for the Docker Container [$NUM_PORTS]
   --GPU, --gpu                           Create Docker Containers to access GPU (default: false) [$USE_GPU]
   --Specification value, --specs value   Specs of the server node [$SPECS]
   --SetDefaultConfig, --dc               Sets a default configuration file (default: false) [$SET_DEFAULT_CONFIG]
   --NetworkInterfaces, --ni              Shows the network interface in your computer (default: false) [$NETWORK_INTERFACE]
   --ViewPlugins, --vp                    Shows plugins available to be executed (default: false) [$VIEW_PLUGIN]
   --TrackedContainers, --tc              View (currently running) containers which have been created from the client side  (default: false) [$TRACKED_CONTAINERS]
   --ExecutePlugin value, --plugin value  Plugin which needs to be executed [$EXECUTE_PLUGIN]
   --CreateGroup, --cgroup                Creates a new group (default: false) [$CREATE_GROUP]
   --Group value, --group value           group flag with argument group ID [$GROUP]
   --Groups, --groups                     View all groups (default: false) [$GROUPS]
   --RemoveContainerGroup, --rmcgroup     Remove specific container in the group (default: false) [$REMOVE_CONTAINER_GROUP]
   --RemoveGroup value, --rmgroup value   Removes the entire group [$REMOVE_GROUP]
   --Generate value, --gen value          Generates a new copy of P2PRC which can be modified based on your needs [$GENERATE]
   --ModuleName value, --mod value        New go project module name [$MODULENAME]
   --PullPlugin value, --pp value         Pulls plugin from git repos [$PULLPLUGIN]
   --RemovePlugin value, --rp value       Removes plugin [$REMOVEPLUGIN]
   --help, -h                             show help (default: false)
   --version, -v                          print the version (default: false)

Using basic commands

Start as a server

Do ensure you have Docker installed for this

p2prc -s 

View server Specification

p2prc --specs=<ip address>

Run container

use the --gpu if you know the other machine has a gpu.

p2prc --touch=<server ip address> -p <number of ports> --gpu

Remove container

The docker id is present in the output where you create a container

p2prc --rm=<server ip address> --id=<docker container id> 

Adding servers to ip table

p2prc --as=<server ip address you want to add> 

Update ip table

p2prc --us 

List Servers

p2prc --ls 

View Network interfaces

p2prc --ni

Viewing Containers created Client side

p2prc --tc

read more on tracking containers

Running plugin

p2prc --plugin <plugin name> --id <container id or group id>

Create group

p2prc --cgroup

Add container to group

p2prc --group <group id> --id <container id>

View groups

p2prc --groups

View specific group

p2prc --group <group id>

Delete container from group

p2prc --rmcgroup --group <group id> --id <container id> 

Delete entire group

p2prc --rmgroup <group id>

read more on grouping containers

Extending usecase of P2PRC (Requires a go compiler to run)

p2prc --gen <project name> --mod <go module name>

read more about the generate module

Pulling plugin from a remote repo

p2prc --pp <repo link>

Deleting plugin from the plugin directory

p2prc --rp <plugin name> 

Added custom metadata about the current node

p2prc --amd "custom metadata"

Using Plugins

This feature is still Under Development: Read more on the implementation


Run Test Cases

[!NOTE] That docker needs to installed and needs to run without sudo. Refer the section Install Docker.

  • cd plugin
  • go test .

Next Chapter: Abstractions

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